Monthly Archives: May 2013

Dusty Lake – Memorial Day Weekend 2013

This is our first play log! And I hope there will be many more to come!

This is our first time to Dusty Lake, our first time hiking in the desert in WA really.

We left Seattle Saturday late afternoon and headed east and ended up camping around Frenchman Coulee. Apparently it is a popular rock climbing area. It was a perfect camping spot surrounded by rock pillars. The moon rose over the rock pillars right when we arrived around 10:30PM. We pulled out the camera but it took us about 30mins to figure out the right set up: ISO 1600, F5.6 and shutter speed 1”.

Moon rise over the ridge

Unlike most of the hikes we’ve done recently, the hike to Dusty Lake was very flat. Lots of wild flowers and song birds on the way. We got to the lake in about 1 hr, Matt fished for a while and we set up tent at a great spot between the ridge and the lake.

Photo May 26, 3 05 13 PM

Sunset was short but gorgeous.

Photo May 26, 8 20 48 PM

We had a little fire going near our camping spot. Mostly we only had dry sage wood, and sage wood fire stinks BAD! It reminded me of a phrase our friends Geoff and Genevieve’s kids would say: “poop-poop-pee-pee pizza”, and extra smoky.

Photo May 26, 8 16 37 PM

We hiked over the ridge on Monday, got a great view of the Ancient Lakes and the waterfall and found a different trail back.

Animal Report:

Bull Snake – We ran into a decent sized bull snake going across the trail right at the beginning of the hike.

Desert Bunny – Tiniest bunny ever. Dark grey. Casually hopping pass our hangout rock. Matt was very tempted to catch it.

Painted Turtle – They were having a group sun tan session on a rock in Dusty Lake, sliding into water to cool off occasionally.

Tiger Trout – Matt lost two flies on this 20″ big trout but no luck in getting it to bite.

Rainbow Trout- Matt caught a rainbow trout on an olive leech. 15″.

Bird Report:

Great Egret – Spotted flying over Dusty Lake

Great Blue Heron – We saw it flying over us and landed on a cliff over one of the wet lands in the cannon.

Western Meadowlark – He was standing on the top of the rock and singing pretty songs, completely ignoring us when we walk right by him.

There were also lots of red-wing blackbirds, swallows and crows.

Flower Report:


Sagebrush mariposa lily
Sagebrush mariposa lily

Hooker's onion
Hooker’s onion

Icicle Ridge, Leavenworth – May 18th, 2013

Great Weekend with Matt’s friends from Foster. Seven of us rented a cabin about 16 miles away from Leavenworth.

We did a 5-6 mile hike at the very beginning of the Icicle Ridge trail. The trail goes straight up for 5 miles, we turned around at about 3 mile.

Photo May 18, 12 19 10 PM

The next day we went to the classic Icicle Ridge trail. It is a pretty easy zig zag trail on the side of the mountain. The scenery was pretty on the hike but not much variety. But it was all worth it when you get on the top. No icicle on the Icicle Ridge though.

Icicle Ridge

Animal Report:

Ting saw raccoons for the first time! A sad story though. Look forward to see a healthy, prettier and happier raccoon.

Bird Report:

Western Bluebird – Surprised to see it on the top of the hill.

Flower Report:


Chocolate Lily – Didn’t get a good photo…

Morel Hunting – May 12th, 2013

We went mushroom picking with Mack!

Morels next to Full Sails

It was our first time but Matt has done his research and Mack has done it before in Montana. Apparently people are very secretive about their morel picking spots and are not willing to share too much. We were totally really to come back empty handed but we were able to get quite a few!

We started off on a trail that is in a burnt area. We found a few tiny ones (size of my pinky finger tip) right on the trail, but after hiking up the trail for a couple of miles, we were not able to find any more. Our guess was that the area has been picked by other people already. Matt did find one pretty big one right near where we had lunch.

We switched to another place and I found an area that must have not been pick by other mushroom lovers. There were a few dozen good sized ones in an area about 12 square feet. We were able to find some here and there after that, but didn’t find another spot like that. We were very content though since we already have a small ziplock bag filled with mushrooms.


What we gathered after one morel hunting trip is this: they are mostly on flat ground, in shaded wooded areas where there are not a lot of grass or bushes. Burnt area is a good start and we just need to go somewhere other pickers have not been.

Mostly morels ended up in our belly the night of. Some sautéed with butter and garlic and some in creamy morel and asparagus pasta. The little ones were made into scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Other Mushrooms spotted:

Photo May 12, 12 22 25 PM
Orange cup fungus

Photo May 12, 12 25 27 PM

Photo May 12, 12 28 32 PM

Flower Report:

Photo May 12, 12 02 03 PM
Western trillium / White trillium

Photo May 12, 12 15 49 PM
Yellow glacier lily